Three Months Old Baby Is In Need Of Urgent Overseas Treatment


By Ansumana Touray 

Karabulaye Kanyi, the father of a three months old baby, walked into the Foroyaa Office with a Medical Report specifying the urgent need for his daughter to go for overseas treatment.

According to the report prepared by the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH), the baby was admitted on the 4th of August 2019, and she was presented to the hospital facility one month ago with a history of fever, fast breathing and cough; that she had a recurrent history of similar symptoms since birth.

The Father said he is a low-income earner and has been struggling to buy medicine for his daughter. He also said he does not have the capacity to take his daughter for further treatment and urges Government, NGOs and individuals to assist him take his daughter for overseas treatment.

The medical report states that medical examinations of the baby girl show the following:

GENERAL: respiratory distress, febrile, anicteric, not pale, no edema. P: 145b/m T: 36.2°C RR: 59C/M 02sat:88% CVS; precordium not hyperactive apex beat palpable at the  5th  intercostal space anterior axillary line.S1 and S2 heard, no murmur.

ABDOMEN: Full, soft, non-tender, no palpable mass at the organ. CNS: Conscious and oriented.  RS: Crepitations on the right lung burns.


–  Heart in the right apex still point to the left

–  No septal defect

–  Normal biventricular and systolic function

–  No gross vascular pathology is seen

–  No Dextrocardia A


   – Hepatomegaly of 2cm with homogenous texture

   – The gallbladder was not visualized

   – The pancreases and spleen are normal

   – Both kidneys are normal

   – There is no free fluid intra-abdominal cavity

Anyone who wants to assist can contact this medium.