Elections have been found to be an instrument through which a sovereign people put a government in or out of office without any form of violence. It replaces the bullet that has been the means for changing governments prior to the introduction of free and fair voting systems.

It is therefore important to know that representatives cannot assume office unless they win the confidence and support of the vast majority of the electorate in the country. Hence all representatives and their supporters should always bear in mind that any act that threatens another person is likely to alienate such a person and erode the support base.

Any political figure who is not interested in broadening his/her support base is not serious in winning elections. As Gambia faces a presidential election all those who have aspiration to lead the country and those who currently are managing the affairs of the state should discuss with their supporters and send them to be good will ambassadors to rest of the Gambian population so as to try to win their support.

This is the demand of the situation and any political force which ignores this demand would do so at its own peril.