The Seat Of The Presidency, A Hot Seat


The expression of divergent views and dissenting opinions from the angle of the media, the people and the executive should always be characterised by three fundamental pillars.

All must seek to present the truth in good faith and in the public interest. The media is supposed to hold the executive accountable to the public. This is done by taking the concerns of the people and putting them before the executive in the form of questions wanting answers that will keep the public informed of what the government has done or intends to do to address the challenges.

This should not bring about expression of frustration, instead it should be seen as an avenue to reduce public fears and gaps between them and those who govern. When those from the public express wild rumours not backed by any evidence, wild reactions are likely to be provoked that will keep rumours alive and this will not serve the public interest.

A nation that is to be guided on the path of development must have citizens and governments who will always be bound by the determination to address the challenges of their country and the problems of their people irrespective of who governs or who is governed. When that happens each government will govern according its ability and each people will receive development according to the capacity of its government. This is what is expected of a democratic country where governments are not permanent but must come and go according to the will of the people. Hence those who govern are best advised to always strive to listen to the voices of the people and respond to address their needs and aspirations without fear or favour, affection or ill will.