The Need To Pass The Disability Bill


A Disability Bill has been prepared. The Cabinet is said to have presided over it. The Community of Gambians with special physical and behavioural needs have been waiting for the bill to be presented to the National Assembly for enactment. What is keeping the bill from presentation to the members of the National Assembly is still a matter of speculation. Foroyaa will Contact the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to find out what is holding the bill. Section 31 of the Constitution is very clear and an act of the National Assembly is necessary to give more concrete weight to the right granted by the constitution.

Section 31 states:

“(1) The right of the disabled and handicapped to respect and human dignity shall be recognised by the State and society.

“(2)  Disabled persons shall be entitled to protection against exploitation and to protection against discrimination, in particular as regards access to health services, education and employment.

“(3)  In any judicial proceedings in which a disabled person is a party, the procedure shall take his or her condition into account.”