The injustices perpetrated against workers who were massacred for demanding for better working conditions gave birth to declaration of May 1 as MAY DAY to throw light on the plight of workers throughout the world.

Two trends are developing in the world on how to commemorate May Day. In some countries millions of workers gather to discuss their achievements and shortcomings and call on government authorities and employers to work together to address such problems.

On the other hand, May 1 is turned into a public holiday and utilised for merry making. This is the situation in The Gambia at the moment, where May Day is commemorated by initiating sporting activities for public and private enterprises.

It is absolutely essential for the new government to engage the union leaders to agree so that an agreement could be reached for May Day to be commemorated in a different way.

In short, commemoration could take place at the Independence Stadium with the participation of all workers in the public and private sectors. The government, the unions and other concerned parties could address the workers to indicate how working condition could be improved. This is the progressive way of commemorating May 1.

Sporting activities could take place on the day set aside as sports day. This will enable all public and private and other non-state employees to participate without reservation.