The need for the present Government to be different from the past regime


The constant issuing of executive order during the past government had traumatised the population until today there are arrestees who are yet to be found in any detention centres, even though the government has issued a declaration for all detainees without trial to be released. The families of these people are now waiting for the new government to facilitate the release of their loved ones or a clear statement on whether they are alive or dead.

Many people lost their jobs because of executive order. They are now waiting to see whether the new government will restore them to their jobs. Many businesses have also been closed down because of mere executive order from the previous president. They are now waiting for the lifting of such orders.

The present government therefore has the duty to address the mistakes of the past and prevent new errors from being made. This means that it has to do its homework very well. It must measure its steps a thousand times before taking a leap. Today it will announce the first batch of its cabinet comprising 11 ministers who will begin to address the problems of the nation.

It is important for the people to distinguish a cabinet from a coalition. A coalition is the group comprising seven parties and an aspiring independent presidential candidate who may have divergent views which contend so that a middle ground could be agreed upon. The cabinet comprises ministers who are collectively responsible to the nation for all their decisions and actions.

The Gambia should now follow the cabinet and guide to do what is in the best interest of the nation.

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