The mysterious death of a professional woman who has chosen to leave the United Kingdom to come and settle in The Gambia in order to restore her sense of belonging to Africa after her ancestors were forcefully removed from the continent and enslaved in a continent away from their home of origin, has sent shock waves in the country.

Shakina loved The Gambia with all her heart and all her might. She was overwhelmingly confident that sooner or later those who are given charge to manage the affairs of countries in Africa would open up their arms and embrace their brothers and sisters whose ancestors were subjected to the historical injustice of being exiled from their homeland.

She left the UK at the peak of her career as a lawyer in order to be in an African country where her worth would be recognised and her self-esteem uplifted. Everyone is still wondering what led to her death in mysterious circumstances. She chose to live away from the urban area in order to open up a frontier of development where villagers did not settle. The idea was to draw more people from the Diaspora to join her in building new settlements without any clash with those they have found in the area.

She was very close to Gambian youths and participated in many of their activities especially workshops and seminars in order to propagate African Unity and return to the homeland by those in the diaspora.

Foroyaa will follow the press conference by the police to find out what actually happened.