The Movements Are Increasing With More Tolerance From The State Apparatus


2019 ends with less rallies from political parties and more demonstrations from movements calling on Barrow to respect a three year term promise; some calling for a five year term for Barrow; others calling for Jammeh to return. Many clarion calls are being made for a new Gambian to build a new Gambia. There is promise to build a movement around such a clarion call.

The question that analysts should ask is whether civil society is now overtaking the political movement. Are such movements just the fashion for the time? Do they stand the danger of being infiltrated by different interests and thus subvert their mission and vision?

As we enter a new year all Gambians should take stock and ensure that no single Gambian becomes a tool to promote any interest that would undermine national interest. Every action should enable Gambians to take over their destiny and build their own country free from the dictates of any foreign power or state.