The Implications Of Insecurity Of Tenure Of Personnel Of Commissions


Commissions of inquiry are not courts. They do not try cases. They do not convict and sentence those who appear before them. They are supposed to gather evidence with speed and ultimately make recommendations for the consideration of the executive. It is therefore very significant for all those who are involved in the exercise to be free from all influences other than the dictates of law and standard of best practice. Foroyaa has been exposed to the recent developments associated with the removal of personnel of the commissions without the setting up of a fair mechanism to determine allegations and pass judgment before any person is withdrawn from the service of a commission of inquiry. The current lessons are instructive. It is not ideal for any active participant in the administration of the commission to be removed without any form of tribunal mandated to review any allegation of misconduct. Unilateral actions will not help to build the integrity of transitional institutions and processes.