would it reveal a change in the seasonal rain pattern of the country? These are questions to be answered through scientific inquiry. The ordinary eye could see groundnuts being harvested now and sold in the local market. Some have even started to germinate again before being harvested. Needless to say such crops would not go through the traditional process of being exposed to the sun to dry up before winnowing because of the heavy rain. The naked eye could also see groundnut crops with fluffy leaves but when dug could only show roots and not seeds. How many farms would experience such a fate? By now experts should have conducted a survey to find out how the farms have fared during the rainy season project, when the unseasonal rain may stop and make projections on crop yields in order to be able to formulate a food security policy and programme for onward transmission to the Gambian public in particular and the international partners, at large. This is the way forward which does not seem to be adopted by the Government. Guess work may be right or wrong. Data is what policy makers need to formulate mature policies to guide nations and National partners. ]]>