The Government Should Speak Only If Words Can Be Found In Practice On The Ground


Foroyaa is moving about to find out what is happening in the seccos. May be the independence celebration is slowing down implementation. According to the government 396 million dalasis is available for crop financing.

When this was announced farmers were thrilled that the crops that were taken on credit would soon be paid for. Farmers had told Foroyaa that they had kept their groundnuts without taking their crops to the buying station. However upon hearing the news that money was available to buy their crops they took their crops to the seccos so that they will not miss selling them.

But according to those who spoke to Foroyaa the money is yet to arrive. This paper will reach out to GGC for them to tell us which buying stations have received money so that we will go and find out whether the money has actually arrived.

Credit buying is still in existence and there is a lot of money still outstanding. Farmers are complaining that late payment of their crops inhibit their effort to purchase cement to rehabilitate or mend their houses. Late payment of their crops is therefore not encouraging them to produce more. We will continue to monitor what is on the ground.