Gambian political operatives, including those in government, should take note of what is being said on the platforms of the political parties contesting the upcoming National Assembly elections in Senegal. Some of the statements should make Gambian political stakeholders very wary of the future of the Senegambia Bridge. Currently, just like the Bamba Tenda / Yelli Tenda crossing of the past, the Senegambia Bridge is a major source of foreign exchange. Payment in CFA currency by Senegalese users does enable The Gambia to earn foreign exchange. However, there is an indication that some political parties in Senegal would prefer to bypass the Senegambia Bridge and instead build port facilities in Casamance to facilitate the movement of persons from the Northern part of Senegal to the southern part by sea rather than by land.

If this were to happen, the Senegambia Bridge would experience huge revenue losses. Gambian planners should therefore take this possibility into consideration as the Senegalo-Gambian relation calls for redefinition and consolidation on a new, more realistic, and mutually beneficial foundation.