The first Global Pan-African Conference: Renaissance on Monday 25 May


The inaugural 2020 conference organised by UK-based consortium Mboka Festival of

Arts Culture and Sport goes digital on Monday 25 May at 5pm (6pm UK; 1pm EST; 7pm South Africa). The conference commemorates the 120th anniversary of the first Pan African Conference, organised by Henry Sylvester Williams in London. The title of the first conference panel is: “120 Years On: At a commemorative time of reflection, what should  an ‘African Renaissance’ look like?” 

Keynote conference speaker The Honourable Halifa Sallah, the Secretary-General of the People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism in The Gambia will open the roundtable discussion to talk to the topic of the 1st Conference discussion, “120 Years On: At a commemorative time of reflection, what should an ‘African Renaissance’ look like?” to give his reflections on what an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa means. His talk will be followed by short presentations from: Dr. Diana-Abasi Ibanga, University of Calabar, Nigeria; D’Juan Owens, an entrepreneur and Martial Arts professional in the USA and Edeyan H. Omoweh, an African Studies, Ph.D. Student in the University of Ibadan. The panelists will speak on the concept of Mboka as Sustainable Development, Pan Africanism in Action and the current and future impact of the Year of Return to Ghana

The aims and objectives of the conference are informed by the Africa Union Commission document, ‘Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want’ and it will be focusing on how The Gambia can play its part locally, regionally and continentally and internationally. The conference also seeks to explore how The Gambian people can benefit from African integration. 

Kadija George, Co-Founder, Mboka Festival of Arts, Culture and Sport says:

“The first G-PAC takes place at a sombre time for celebration and commemoration. 2020 marks the 120th anniversary of the first Pan-African Conference that took place in London. We have to ask and consider what we have achieved with regards to raising the prosperity of the conference since then.”

We must also remember that we have just reached the 400 years that marks the beginning of slavery in America when 20 enslaved Africans were forcibly taken to a port in what is now called Virginia. We still have so much work to do, and we want to see what we can do in The Gambia, for Gambians, but that must also link to what is taking place in the continent and bringing the diaspora closer in an effective way.”

The next GPAC conference will take place in May 2022 with a focus on women. ASPIRATION 6: of Agenda 2063.  An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children



The discussion will also stream live on Facebook


Twitter: @mbokafestival   #mbokafest2020 #GPACGambia  #Halifa Sallah


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CAMP AFRICA, 95 Bertil Harding Highway (220) 9917343 – what’s app / 7749277) UK  +44 (0)7980 269138 (what’s app)

[email protected] / / @mbokafestival