The Campaign Started With Nomination Will We Have New Councillors For A New Gambia?


A NEW Gambia needs candidates who will not use ostracism to win elections. Section 26 of the Constitution guarantees political rights including the right to elect and be elected. Ostracism is to refer to a person’s gender, ethno-linguistic origin, birth place, social status, age, religion and other status and claim that they should not be voted for.

All Gambians are equal in sovereignty and each candidate should aim to win the hearts and minds of the people based on how he or she intends to exercise his or her mandate not based on how much hatred or contempt he or she seeks to excite. FOROYAA calls on all parties not to use the name of the President in their campaign. There is no ruling party in the Gambia. There is only a Coalition government led by a person who currently does not have any party affiliation and should be ready to work with anyone who is a choice of the people.

Everyone could see that even though many people went to the National Assembly as party candidates they are now duty bound not to follow party interest in considering bills and international agreements. This is how the councils will also work. After the council elections, the whole nation must also ensure that Ministries perform their role in accordance with the National interest. There will be greater scrutiny.

The people have their final chance in making a choice they would not live to regret. Bring the representatives you will respect after your vote, not ones you will not want to be at the helm of council affairs.

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