The Africa Regional Forum Of Agenda 2030 And Agenda 2063


Held In Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

Victoria falls has one of nature’s wonders. There is no doubt that the water fall could provide hydroelectric power to many countries in the Eastern and Southern part of Africa if the capacity to harness the might of the water fall is pursued and developed. This growing urban centre in Zimbabwe catered for 3000 delegates comprising Ministers overseeing the implementation of the sustainable development goals in Africa, representatives of UN Specialised agencies, The African Commission, The Pan African Parliament, The key Non-Governmental organisations in Africa, Academics and Researchers. The programme lasted from 24 to 27th February 2020 and witnessed a rich debate on Africa’s future.

One of the highlights of the forum was linked to the theme of leaving no one behind which is the focal cross cutting message of the Sustainable Development goals. Professor Penda Mbowe of Senegal, Halifa Sallah from the Gambia and three other experts mobilized by Trust Africa deliberated on the historical, sociological, legal and situational analysis of the outcast in Africa and Asia and what should be done to leave no one behind in the implementation of the Sustainable development goals. Halifa Sallah presented the result of the deliberation to the plenary and added his voice to highlight the absence of institutional memory and map out the way forward in pursuit of the implementation of Agenda 2063 which is supposed to build an Africa that would be able to utilize its resources in all sovereignty to eradicate hunger, poverty and bad governance and ensure prosperity, unity and good governance.

Foroyaa will interview Halifa Sallah to get his main contribution to the forum.