The fifth tenure in performing the functions of president in Senegal has finally engraved term limit as a means of eradicating self-perpetuating rule. The investiture of President Diomaye Faye marks the beginning of another beginning for President Diomaye Faye. The elections and the peaceful transfer of political office despite the threat of disorder prior to the nomination period have confirmed that Senegal is a Republic.

Power is owned by the people. Despite any violent confrontation in the progress of the contestation over power the end result must be determined by the people through elections in a democratic republic.

Former President Macky Sallah is the first President of Senegal who has accepted to serve two terms and oversee an election where there was no incumbent. He did not openly give advantage to the candidate of his own party, hence all the candidates went to the polls without anyone being able to use the power of the state for his or her political gain. The end result is to have results accepted by all without exception.

This is why President Diomaye Faye emphasised that Senegal and all Senegalese should celebrate the triumph of democracy and the republic in Senegal. After the swearing-in of the president-elect while the outgoing president waited for him at the state house, Senegal again displayed the fundamental principle of public trusteeship by showing the incoming president being received at the state house by the outgoing president. The whole nation observed as they exchanged pleasantries. Finally the moment came for the outgoing president to take his exit by putting the ceremonial key of the state house into the hands of the new president of the Republic of Senegal.

The message was clear. Leadership in a republic is not kingship. It is public service which is time bound. Power belongs to the people and it is entrusted to anyone who so deserves it. Hence power should be exercised to promote the general welfare. This is the dictate of the constitution of a republic and it is incontrovertible.