Teams paired in Wuli East Tourney


By Kebba AF Touray

Teams have been paired in the upcoming Wuli East Tourney.

The sixteen horse race is meant to foster unity among residents and provide a platform for the young people to explore their footballing skills in the area.

Below is the fixture of the first round.

Barrow Kanda Kasseh Vs Baja Kunda 9/02/2020 at Sutukoba field
Sutukoba vs Briffu 11/02/2020 at Makamasireh field
Makamasireh vs Mureh Kunda 13/02/2020 at Gunjur field
Foday Kunda vs Passamass Fula 15/02/2020 at Briffu field
Borro Modi Banni vs Borro Dampha Kunda17/02/2020 at Borro Kanda Kasseh field
Bantunding vs Koli Kunda 19/02/2020 at Baja Kunda field
Gunjur vs Sare Gubu 21/02/2020 at Maka Masirreh field
Passamass Mandinka vs Tabanding 23/02/2020 at Passamass Fula field.

According to the Wuli East Sports Committee all matches start at 5:00pm and fixtures are subjected to review by the organising committee if the need arise based on tangible reasons.

The committee continued: we wish all the teams a successful tournamen8t. We also sincerely thanked Hon. Suwaibou Touray for sponsoring the tourney.’