TANGO Concludes Capacity Building Training for 22 CSOs


By Amadou Manjang

The Association of Non- Non-Governmental Organisations (TANGO) concluded a six-day capacity-building training for 22 Civil Society Organisations in Sindola, Kanilai on Saturday. 

The training was conducted through the funding from United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with the Network against Gender Based-violence and ActionAid International The Gambia.

The Civil Society Organisations were trained in Monitoring  & Evaluation and Report Writing under the Gender Promotion Initiative 2.0 Project which seeks to reaffirm the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response, and post-conflict reconstruction as well as their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security.

According to Bridget Tabou Correa, The Project Manager, the training was successful. She is hopeful the organisations will have a good footing in monitoring and evaluation.

“We will be giving those funds and see the impact of the training in the implementation of the project,” she said.

She said each institution or organisation would receive D500,000 for a project and they would be observed during the implementation of the project and they would have to utilize the skills learned during the training.

Alieu Kinteh, CEO of Sonkwia Integrated Young Association, said the training has met his expectations in monitoring evaluation, and reporting writing.

He said the training would have a significant impact on him and his organisation from the training. He added that this fills a huge gap because many organisations have capacity gaps in monitoring, evaluation and report writing.

“This training has capacitized me and this is going to benefit me and my organisation,” he said.

Modou Lamin Kujabi, the representative of the Gambia Federation of the Disabled(GFD), said the training would have a significant impact on him as far as his work is concerned. He added that the training is relevant; therefore, no organisation can effectively function without monitoring and evaluation as well as report writing.

He further added that the training has shaped him ‘into a better version’ of himself. Although this is not his first time writing reports, this will enhance his capacity and writing skills.

“This training will be very impactful on me. It gives me new experience and knowledge that will really impact my life and my office,” he said.

He added that the training will also have an impact on the organisation as far as project writing is concerned which is significant for civil society organizations.

Soffiatou Gassama, representative of the Sofayima Marketing Federation, said the training has better equipped her. She said she has gained a lot of knowledge and experience from the training.

She said they work with women gardeners and young people, adding that she will utilise the knowledge gained to continue helping these people.

“This will really impact our organisation’s project works that help women gardeners and young people,” she added.