Talinding U.B.S. Teachers And Students March To Region 1 Office


By Louise Jobe

Teachers and students of Talinding upper basic school went on the streets and marched to Region 1 Regional Office on Monday 22 October 2018.

Among their claims are: 17 teachers were not issued with timetables when they came back from the T. F. C sit down strike to be issued with their timetables

They want their friends and teachers back to the classrooms.

Mr. Muhammad L Jammeh and Mr. Louis Mendy, speaking on behalf the teachers, said seventeen teachers out of a lot that took part in the Teachers For Change sit down strike are not given lesson timetables to teach. After two weeks of reporting to the school, on the 15th October 2018, the teachers without timetable went to the principal’s office to ask why only for him to report them to the Talinding Police Station. They also said that the 17 teachers were picked up from the school by the officers in front of their students.

The disgruntled teachers explained that after giving their account on the issue, the police commander concluded by saying the teachers have not committed any crime or criminal offence. According to them then the police commander told them that the problem is purely administrative and civil and advised the principal to consult with the authorities to settle the problem.

On Wednesday the 17 October, the seventeen teachers were not allowed to sign the time book. They said that one Mr. Augustus Mendy told them that he was instructed not to allow them to sign in the book.

They added that a letter of redeployment was issued from the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education on the 18th October 2018 that stated:

“I am direction to inform you that you are being redeployed to Region Six. You are requested to report with immediate effect (latest Monday 22 October 2018) to the regional director of the region for subsequent posting to a school where your service is required.

Please note that the academic year has started since Monday the 17 of September 2018 and learners have lost significant contact hours that may affect students’ educational outcome.”

Mr. Demba keita the principal of the school said he cannot talk to any journalist because the issue is above him.

Mr. Adama Jimba Jobe from the Ministry of Education urged the other teachers who joined solidarity march with their colleagues to go back to class and for the 17 teachers to report to Region 1 regional office today.

The other teachers were boycotting classes to show solidarity with their colleagues.