“Sumaa Domm You Jigeen! Sumaa Jaamong!” Part 22 (My Daughters! My jewel!)


By Amie Sillah Maga protests    “What has happened? Can you explain it?” “I told you that her spirit is very strong leave her alone but you would not listen whenever I held the staff I become dumb and when I drop it I can talk again,” Baa posited. “Please help me, do more and pray to the Jaalang.” “I’ll do my best,” Baa promised. “Come back in a fortnight with your kindred.” “You have to help me get them back to the shrine they would ignore me if I do.” “Okay I’ll send them word through my messenger. Is that okay by you?” “It’s okay. Let her drink your concoction.” “I cannot give her any concoction but she will swear and I can blow powder onto her.” Baabalawo (Witch Doctor) The party assembled again and the drama unfolded, the kindred protested and Baa explained what has happened. “Last time a lady among the three was seeing her menstrual flow that’s why the drama unfolded.” I.J She protestedand accused Baa of lying. “What is this man saying? It is my mother at menopause, my pregnant sister and me who has just completed my menses, which other woman is he talking about? This man is a liar and deceiving all of us.”I.J protested.T.Jconcurred as well as the kindred. “My mother is not coming again after this episode.The girls protested supported by the kindred. “I’ll come over and over againuntil I prove these evil men that Allah is not asleep and in the long run they’ll be put to shame.” Jaa posited with confidence. The Surprise Suddenly out of the blue Maga claimed to have seen his brother’s ghost slashing and asking him to confess his sin as Baa hid his face and asked the apparition to spare him. “I am not part of it, he just paid me to do a job for him.” Baa pleaded. Confession    As Maga fell into trance he confessed of killing Magi. “I killed my brother because of jealousy that his family was progressing while mine was retrogressing.” “What!” the party was overwhelmed. He continued scratching his body and crying as he confessed all the more. “I put the charm to hurt Jaa and it turned out to affect my wife and son; I hated everything that is happening in my life when I see right in front of my eyes my brother’s family progressing and mine retrogressing. I am very sorry; I have been the worst and evil brother.” The reaction The party cursed and left him in his limbo including his son Lama who was so disgusted and frustrated by his father. He threw his shoes at him and said. “I am outoff here as you are a disgrace to personhood; I disown you as my father and am going to the city to start a new life with the help of my cousins’ spouses.” In anguish he broke down. “And even you my son, I spent all my life helping you and your brother to become somebody, please don’t go to the city and left me alone with an ailing family, both my wife and son are paralyzed from waist downwards”. Maga swept. “Even death is better than my present condition. I’ve seen the wages of sin.” He posited. Lamarana    He rushed home and found his mother and brother in their ailing health. “Where is your father?” Sap asked. “He is not my father, that wicked man killed Cow Magi and is responsible for your ailment when he tried to kill Nene Jaa.” “That is not true don’t say that about your father he has sacrificed a lot for you.” “Go to the shrine and see him yourself, I am off to the city to seek help from our cousins’ spouses they have clean heart for us when you our parents have grudge and hatred for them.” “Lama don’t be selfish! Don’t leave us in this condition!” “Am gone!” Sap and Yerro Maga cried bitterly. Relocation    The spouses came and this time around to take Mama for good from the village to go into another environment the city. She visited every room and went around the compound happy-sad moment thinking about her good loving husband and a wonderful father to the girls who narrated their fond memories with him and have fun over it. T.J asked her husband to learn playing the flute for her as her dad used to . “As that makes you happy I’ll surely learn to play it.” Mama presented the flute to her. “But lend your sister whenever she needs it.” “For sure I’ll always do that for my one and only sis.” T.J posited. I.J smiled. “He is an epitome of peace and would like us to celebrate his life all the time and not to mourn over him. He is there looking over and protecting us. But I have a question, how was it that whenever Maga sprinkled poisonous chemical at my back door it goes back to him?” The Revelation “We studied the situation when Papa died and suspected foul play especially from the angle of his cunning and wicked brother; we therefore employed some secret agents to be guarding the premises 24-7. It happened that on two occasions our men saw him sprinkled some poisonous chemical that was lethal, after his evil work our agent will gather it and sprinkled it at his back door. That was how his wife and son got infected.” Sura and Tunde explained. The Girls and Mama “What can I say that you are our guiding angels Allah sent to put our family on a path of glory. Thank you.” “Who will Mama be staying with?” Tunde asked. “Of course us! Is your wife pregnant? Mine is almost at the end of the journey.” Sura bluffed. “You see it! Please make me pregnant now, now!” I.J teased her husband. “Let us hurry up and intensify our activity to make it possible sooner than later!” Tunde posited amidst laughter and fun. The party drove away amidst laughter and joy as Mama’s friends and well-wishers wished her and her family luck. Maga    He went mad roaming the streets of the village; Sap’s family from another village came for her and her son for local treatment. The Siblings and their Spouses Tenneng gave birth to triplets two boys and a girl, healthy and bouncing. Sura was on top of the world and decided to make an elaborate naming ceremony, the boys were named after his affectionate father-in-law and father Cow Magi, Sura and the girl his mother Mba Sunkaru. The scan did not see the boy and girl as it show only a boy. “I praised the Lord no more children I am done with pregnancy. I’ll take good care of the kids and help them grow into productive adults tomorrow. My parents have two girls and Jaa lamented not having a boy child, as for me I don’t care even if all of them were girls.” T.J posited and Sura concurred. Mama was happy and did the ‘bambaane’ very well but is always sad when she remembers her loving husband but she now has consolation in her ‘small husband’ baby Cow Magi. I.J    She later conceived and gave birth to a bouncing baby girl named after her husband’s mother. Tunde is a proud daddy who adores his wife and daughter. “As for us, we will try again for another issue whatever the sex we will love and adore our children. Jaa! Pray that we have a girl who will be your name sake.” The couple posited. “I pray for twins a boy and girl, it is also good to have a son to continue Tunde’s lineage.” Jaa posited. “We disagree Jaa, girls can also continue their father’s lineage when they are productive and blessed.” The couple posited. “Have our wives not proven our point? What happen to their boy cousins?” Jaa cannot defend her point. She just laughed over it. The End]]>

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