The huge crowd at the Bundung High Court grounds during proceedings of the trial of Bob Keita on Monday, gave the impression that the judge would to have resort to the force of the paramilitary force to arrest and disperse the protestors. Surprisingly, the judge asked the security forces not to close the doors of the courtroom.

Addressing the spectators, the judge emphasised that the court is an open court which as a matter of right would not disallow the public from being present and seated to witness the proceedings; that to avoid congestion those who cannot find seats would have to stay outside and would not be dispersed if they remain calm to allow the proceedings to take place.

He emphasised that the court is a court of justice which cannot and will not be prejudiced by any form of influence. He assured that justice is going to be done without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. Eventually there was calmness and the paramilitary forces that came did not have a confrontation with the protestors.

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