Solo Sandeng’s Habeas Corpus Case: Judgment Deferred


By Rohey Jadama

The habeas corpus case filed by lawyers for the production of Mr Ebrima Solo Sandeng did not proceed yesterday 26 July, 2016 as theSolo Sandeng 2 trial Judge did not sit.

The case was scheduled for judgment yesterday before Justice Eunice Dada of the Banjul High court as per the course list, but a judicial source informed this reporter that the trial judge is attending a workshop.

However, the next adjourned date was not confirmed to this reporter.

Mr. Sandeng was arrested on the 14 April, 2016 at Westfield for his role in a protest. Since then he has not been seen by family members or produced in court for trial.

However, the group that he led in the Westfield protest were brought to court, prosecuted and sentenced by the Mansakonko High Court in the Lower River Region.