Should Radio Stations Be Blamed For Content Of Broadcast?



Broadcasting licences are given to proprietors of radio stations with a view to enabling them carry out broadcasting according to law. The public has been engaged in a debate on the content of the broadcast from radio stations. Claims and counter claims that incitements, ethnolinguistic dire straits and so on characterise the broadcasting of one station or the other.

The public should realise that PURA is given the powers to prepare a code of conduct for broadcasting and monitor compliance. Where there is failure in compliance, the minister is empowered to revoke or suspend licences in accordance with sections 235 and 236 of the Information and Communication Act respectively.

It is anticipated that the state will accept its responsibility of building the institution that is democratic and principled enough to come up with the standards required for broadcasting to ensure that an electronic media functions in The Gambia that no one accuses of breaching the democratic and human rights.