Shortage Of Fish At Coastal Landing Sites


Information reaching this medium indicate shortage of fish in almost all coastal fish landing sites, affecting the fishermen and women (bana banas), but most particularly the general public. Tanji, one of the main fish landing sites in the country, lacks fish for the past three days, affecting everyone.

Abib Nyang a fisherman, said catches for the past three days have been very poor leading to the shortage; that this is natural because the past week saw a bumper harvest of fish from the sea; that this happens at this time of the year and it is just natural. Abib said he was concerned about the situation of the consumers, when such situations occur; that most people use fish as part of their daily basic meal.

Ndey Sanneh, a fish seller said they have also been affected by the shortage for the past three days; that the shortage is a natural occurrence and they have no solution for it.

Another group of ladies at the Tanji Landing site, said fishing requires luck; that sometimes fishermen will come on shore with big catches and nothing at other times; that in Tanji vans collect fish for distribution to fish sellers across the country. He added that this is why when there is shortage at the landing sites, there is bound to be shortage within the urban settlements.