The proprietor and editor-in-chief of The Voice had a major decision to make when overtures of possibility of dropping the civil suit and criminal case against the two of them were made.

The Constitution of The Gambia provides for the presumption of innocence. Hence, writing an apology while a case is before court conveys an element of acknowledgement of guilt. Hence legal counsels and advisers would only counsel the writing of apologies when letters are written to concerned persons threatening to take legal action unless there is some form of apology or renunciation of the content of publication.

The Gambia Press Union has managed to serve as an arbitrator to enable the executive and the two Voice editors to reach an amicable settlement.

It is the duty of the media to publish or broadcast the truth in good faith in the public interest. When something is published that is believed to be true in good faith it is the duty of those who know them to be untrue to send rejoinders to set the record straight. Once this culture is consolidated falsehood would never be taken as the truth.

Foroyaa hopes that this culture of ensuring that the public is safeguarded from receiving false information will be maintained by virtue of a commitment by all to publish what is truthful at all times and to be quick to remedy what is wrong.