SenegaloGambian Convergence Conference Holds Press Conference


By: Kebba AF Touray 

The Senegalo-Gambian Convergence Conference on Inter Faith Relations in Senegambia, yesterday May 8th 2019, held a press conference at the Alliance Francaise.

The conference was meant to inform on preparations and challenges regarding the upcoming Inter Faith Conference slated for Saturday 11th May 2019.

Tombong Saidy, the coordinator of the conference, said the occasion will be held annually with the objective of nurturing and encouraging religious tolerance and the peaceful co-existence that exists between Islam and Christianity since time in memorial. Saidy highlighted the lack of adequate fiscal support as their major constraint in organizing the religious occasion; that the occasion aims to strengthen unity between the people of Banjul and Dakar, as well to broaden the understanding of the two nations on the customs and values that binds the two states and peoples.

“Islam and Christianity are the dominant religions in Senegambia, and the majority of the Senegambian populace belongs to these two faiths. Therefore, unifying them will go a long way in fostering unity among the people of these two countries. It will widen the understanding of the people of these faiths on the dangers of religious violence and such help greatly in averting religious conflict as is happening in other countries,” said Saidy. Saidy expressed his profound gratitude to those who have so far contributed towards the hosting of the religious event and urged others to follow suit.

Other speakers include Sheikh Ahmad Ceesay, the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee and Baboucar Cham. Both spoke at length on the significance of the event, and the length it will take to solidify peace and harmony, as well as ensure the cordial relations between the Gambia and Senegal.