Senegalese club chase Gambian goalkeeper


By Sulayman Bah Gambia’s Alagie Jobe is close to plying his trade in the SenegaleseAlagieJobe of Real de Banjul top flight with his club Real De Banjul negotiating a move for him, Foroyaa Sport can report. Senegalese club Niarry Tally are interested in Alagie Jobe and have taken the initiative to court the player. But for any switch to happen, they will have to convince Gambian champions Real de Banjul to part with their man. Already a move is being made by the capital-based outfit to ensure the release of the player. “….It is true that we are currently in negotiations with Niarry Tally for his (Alagie Jobe’s) release but a deal is far from being completed.The club (Real de Banjul) would be revealing arrival and departure of players through our website for the benefit of our fans and well-wishers.” a statement from the club yesterday evening read. Alagie Jobe has had a stint in Tunisia where he first turned professional before returning home. He’s been a surrogate in between the posts for the national team for the past decade.]]>