The heightened tension between the party in power and those in the opposition is not in the best interest of Senegal. There is evidence that Prime Minister Sonko’s envoy has been subjected to attacks by opposition forces. But an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth doctrine would lead to tension and chaos. Those in office are best served by having an opposition that respects the right of the government to serve according to the Constitution without fear or favour, affection or ill will. In the same vein, the government must recognize the right of the opposition to hold it into account as provided by law.

It is therefore anticipated that the government of Senegal and the opposition will promote the establishment of an interparty committee to help the Senegalese people to put party differences aside in the interest of the country to help promote dialogue and cooperation among political parties. This will enable Senegal to build an enviable democracy that will be emulated in other countries.