Security situation in The Gambia under review


As Coalition 2016 becomes less and less a factor in controlling the security situation in the country, the external partners are beginning to show concern for the numerous incidents that are destabilising for the country. Gambians have gone through a political impasse leading to tens of thousands leaving the country within weeks. Gambians must therefore ask themselves the questions: What type of political future do we want? What are we to do to achieve our aim?

The time has come for Gambians to face the facts. The country is ill prepared for its future because many are distrustful of the present. Some are advocating for the government to leave in three years but have not issued a single blue print as to what the future holds after the government abdicates. The preparation that should have taken place if the members of the Coalition were true to their agreement has not happened.

Election on a level ground is what was envisaged after the three years but there is nothing on the ground indicating preparation for elections; instead CRC and IEC members are on various tours of consultation on the type of electoral laws that should replace the old.

It is important for Gambians to work out a blue print to guide political conduct so that those who come to visit the country would leave with clear understanding of what the future holds.