When shells started to fly across the border in Foni Bintang and compelled villagers to dislocate, a robust patrol was initially introduced by the Gambia Armed Forces only to be reduced after a given interval. The government is however emphasizing that a robust patrol will be maintained until the situation is under control.

Foroyaa did follow up dislocated communities to find out what sort of assistance they are receiving from the government. Those that our reporters spoke to claim that they have not received anything from the government so far. Asked about the rainy season and their farms, they conveyed that they are totally unprepared for farming and envisage government support in the form of seeds, fertiliser and farm implements. There is need for a comprehensive need assessment mechanism which serve as the basis to initiate the relief programme.

Foroyaa will continue to monitor the programme. We expect the government to not only maintain a robust security presence in the area as the conflict continues, but also  to undertake a comprehensive needs assessment initiative so that realistic programme could be put in place to address the situation.

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