By Sailu Bah
Forayaa received a complaint from a student at the Law school who said he has scored overall B in his subjects but cannot get an admission at the Law school for continuation. According to the student, he was denied admission due to space problem.
This prompted this reporter to go to the Ministry of Justice hence the ministry is spear heading the Law Admission program for further clarification.
In an interview with a Senior Official at the Ministry of Justice in his office on Wednesday 8th October 2014, he was asked whether admission is based solely on the results in the core subjects.
“Yes it is. Admission is done by students who scored better in the core subjects,” he noted.
The senior official further informed that the core subjects in the LLB program are 5: 1. Constitutional Law one and two, 2. Contract Law one and two, 3. Equity and Trust one and two, 4. Land Law one and two, 5. Law of tort one.
“These are the core subjects that represent fundamentals of Law and the competence of a law graduate can be tested based on these core subjects,” he asserted.
He also said that about 60 students applied but 40 of them are admitted due to lack of space. He said this is the 3rd badge of students graduating from the law school. He explained that the Law program at the Law school started in 2011 and the first badge graduated in October 2012. According to the senior official at the Ministry of Justice, the first applicants were about 20 students and as time goes on they have 35 and this year it has now doubled to 60 and they have to drop others due to space constraints.
“There is only one classroom that can accommodate about 30-35 students. And now because of high applicants we push it to 40. We even went on changing the chairs and the table to smaller ones just to be able to make sure the 40 students fit in the classroom” stated the official.
He was asked how many of those applicants have met the requirements for admission, in response he said that he cannot actually say it of head, but majority of the applicants have met the requirements. He said just a few who do not reach the requirements.]]>