constitution. Seminars and workshops have been held to buttress what they have learned in training school in order to attain professional qualifications. This professional qualification should have meaning. The law enforcer must know the law he or she is enforcing and how to do so on a professional basis. Once the person adheres to this, he or she should be an embodiment of dignity and integrity and should be well rewarded and honoured . Suffice it to say that many law enforcement officers are trained in human rights law. They know that they are not supposed to detain a person for more than 72 hours without charging the person or taking him or her to court. It is strange that a state which aims to attain food self sufficiency in 2016 could arrest its experts and keep them under detention without charging them with any crime. There is a difference between crime and institutional failure. When a person is accused of a crime he or she is charged and taken before an independent and impartial tribunal for a fair hearing. He or she has every right to defend his/her innocence. This constitutes the due process of the law. When there is institutional failure, one does not start by blaming anyone. This is provided by section 200 (1) (c) of the Constitution. It states: “The President may, whenever he or she deems it advisable, issue a Commission appointing one or more Commissioners authorising such Commissioners to inquire into the conduct or management of any department or authority of the public service or any local government authority or public enterprise.” Holding people in detention for more than 72 hours without charging them and arraigning them before a court constitutes a gross violation of human rights and should be stopped. This is the verdict of good governance and justice and should be respected.  ]]>