Regional Inter Party Committee Banjul Holds Community Sensitization Forum

Regional Inter Party Committee

By Fatoumatta K Jallow

The Inter Party Committee National on the promotion of dialogue and conflict prevention between political parties within the country Thursday August 30th 2018, held a community sensitization forum in Banjul.

This runs concurrently throughout the 7 Regions in the country to enhance social cohesion following the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between political parties registered at the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), for a peaceful and stable political environment, underpinned by a transparent, pluralistic and democratic political dispensation, vital for the country’s future prosperity, happiness and well-being of its people.
The sensitization forums will be conducted in 5 Activities covering all the three Constituencies of Banjul. The first meeting was held at Garba Jahumpa yesterday afrter which the team proceeded to the main square in Banjul for another Activity to cover Banjul Central. Banjul South will also have two of such activities on Saturday which ends the fora.

Mr. Momodou Sarr of UDP and also IPC National in Banjul Region said,
“IPC has come up to prevent the violence and conflict between political parties and to promote dialogue it should not matter which political party one belongs to, we should see ourselves as one Gambia. I urge everyone to come together irrespective of party affiliation to move the country forward.”

Ms. Mariam B. Secka, also of the UDP and IPC National in Banjul Region said,

“It is time we start looking at the country’s interest, and not political party interest;  the Gambia’s progress or otherwise affects every citizen.”

Hon. Ousman Sillah, the National Assembly Member for Banjul North said,

“The forum is vital because it promotes the fundamental rights of every individual;  every individual citizen’s rights should be respected, every individual has a right to join any political party of their choice which nobody should stop or condemn. I urge the electorate to choose those they know can represent them fully for the benefit of the Gambian People.”

Ms. Amie Sillah of PDOIS and also IPC National in Banjul Region said,
“We from IPC Gambia have come to guide the process in Banjul Region. We expect oneness and solidarity to push Gambia forward and we are ready to remove all obstacles to ensure The Gambia and Gambian people enjoy, peace, dignity and prosperity in Good Governance and all its attributes of rule of law, equity, transparency, accountability and probity. We are pleased with the Regional Sensitization Team’s (RST) mastery of the MOU as they deliberate its contents at our first port of call (Garba Jahumpa.)”
The three Monitors are Ms. Mariam B Secka, Mr. Momodou Sarr and Ms. Amie Sillah.