After the declaration of interest by six Gambians so far to be presidential candidates, many people are beginning to question the background of the candidates.

It is important for all Gambians to know that all those who declare themselves as presidential candidates are yet to go through the process of officially being nominated by 5000 registered voters and accepted as candidates after meeting all the requirements stipulated by law.

Hence, all those who are interested in becoming candidates must pick up forms on 3 October 2016 (today) so that they could get it filled by 5000 registered voters who are to nominate them. They would then be given a date by the IEC to submit their nomination forms and all other credentials required by law.

It is only the IEC which is empowered to be the final determinant of who is qualified to stand as a presidential candidate or not. Speculation on such matters is qualified is counterproductive. It is necessary for the IEC as well as any candidate who is not fully confident of the interpretation of the constitution on any electoral matter to seek legal advice.

No candidate should be disadvantaged by casting doubt on their candidacy before their credentials are subjected to IEC scrutiny.