A government press release issued on 24th August, 2024 stated that the government, after reviewing “the Draft Constitution that was presented by the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC)has decided to re-gazette the Constitution for eventual tabling before the National Assembly.”

It is welcome that a Bill for the promulgation of a constitution that is intended to replace the 1997 Constitution is reported to be gazetted as required by section 226 of the Constitution. However the Draft Constitution presented by the CRC is dead as has been presented by Foroyaa supplements that were published before.

The executive decided to use the original draft as a working document to produce a draft it deems fit for the National Assembly for consideration and adoption for a referendum.

The first publication of the Bill in the Gazette for promulgation must last for three months. Foroyaa will monitor the time frame. After the three months, it must also be published for ten days as required by section 226 of the Constitution.

Hence the press release should have indicated that the executive is gazetting a Bill aimed at submitting a new draft Constitution for consideration and eventual promulgation. It is not gazetting the draft Constitution that was originally submitted by the CRC. That point must be made clear.