President Barrow Should Exercise Good Judgment In Implementing Recommendations From Commissions


Committees or commissions of Inquiry should not be transformed into administrative courts that transform the executive into judge and jury handing down sentences with impunity. Such bodies are designed to ensure that justice is done without having recourse to impartial and independent tribunals which give fair hearing before giving verdict.

Hence if committees or commissions of inquiry are not to serve as courts the executive must show diligence in looking at extenuating circumstances that may have led to the taking of certain actions that may not be reasonable or justifiable.

In that respect addressing major concerns should be linked to drawing lessons from minor concerns so that ultimately all stakeholders would emerge from the inquiry with a clear understanding of what is wrong and how to right it in an inclusive and consultative manner. With such an approach there will be no victor or vanquished. All will gather the right lessons and develop a sense of motivation to move on without any axe to grind. Time will tell.