By Fatoumatta K Jallow
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP), on Friday 16th March 2018, nominated candidates for the Kanifing Municipality, for the upcoming local government elections which is drawing to its climax. The nomination of candidates started on 13th and ended on the 17th of March 2018, at the IEC’s Kanifing Regional office.
The nominated Candidates are Isidore Jatta, Abdoulie M Sanyang, Abdoulie Prerra, Alieu Mawdoh Sallah, Samba Cham, Seedy Mbenga and Pasainey Jallow for Manjai, Tallinding South, Latrikunda Yiringanya, London Corner, Tallinding North, Banta Ba/Borehole and Fajikunda Wards respectively.
Isidore Jatta contestant for Manjai/Kotu Ward said “if elected I will address the issue of bad roads in my ward and the issue of football field because in my ward there is no football field”.
Abdoulie M Sanyang contestant for Tallinding South Ward held that he has been always the servant of the people and that he has also been working directly with the community.
“My community chose me to represent them because they know that I can fully represent them.
He said if elected into office, he will address the issue of waste management and work to ensuring that a youth centre is established in Tallinding even though there are many organisations in the area.
Abdoulie Prerra contestant for Latrikunda Yiringhana Ward said he has served the people of Latrikunda when his father passed away; and that gave him experience to work for the people. “In addition, since I left the position for the past years, everything stops as no development took place in the area during the past 5 years. That is why I want to contest and give back to the people what they were lacking in the 5 past years”, assured Mr. Prerra.
Alieu Mawdoh Sallah contestant for London Corner Ward said this is the second time he has been contesting because he has served his people the past 5 years.
He remarked, “I want to continue with my pending projects among those is fencing of football field and build a skills centre for the youths and I am sure if elected into office, I will achieve that within a short period of time”.

He feels confident that he would be re- elected in office because he has served his people well for the past years.
Samba Cham Contestant for Tallinding North Ward said if elected into office, he will make sure his community is developed.
Mustapha Touray contestant for Bartez Ward said the people of Serekunda needs a competent person like him in order to empower women and youths and promote the agricultural sector.
Seedy Mbenga contestant for Banta-Ba/Borehole Ward held that if elected he will fulfil the wishes of his people.
Pa Sainey Jallow Contestant for Fajikunda Ward said also promised to serve his people to the best of his ability and bring development in the area.