Census is a fundamental tool for assessing the size and characteristics of a population in order to facilitate planning to ensure human security and development. In most jurisdictions, constitutions or statutory provisions make it an obligation to hold general census every ten years.

The Gambia has been consistent in holding census every year up to 2023 when the census was postponed due to alleged resource constraints. In our view there should be no reason other than a national disaster for postponing the holding of census because of its materiality to planning and sustainable development.

The 2024 census results reveal that Gambia is becoming an urban conglomerate. Most people in the Gambia now live in the Banjul, KM and West Coast urban and per urban area. 64.3 percent of the population live in these areas.

Foroyaa will examine the percentage of people living in the urban centres in the remaining four regions. This would mean that fewer people are living in the villages and more people are being pushed into urban centres.

The demographics also show that out of a population of 2.4 million 51 percent constitute women while 49 percent constitute men. The children and youth population constitute 70.6 percent of the population.

It is important for the Independent Electoral Commission to utilize the findings in order to review the boundaries of constituencies based on the number of inhabitants and their prospective voters. Regional government administration would need to be reviewed based on the findings.

Foroyaa will tease out all the elements necessary for planning and give them special attention in subsequent publications.