Philanthropist Donate To Gunjur Health Facility


By: Hatab Nyang

On the 11th April 2018, breakfast was served to patients of the Gunjur Health Facility.
Speaking to this reporter Haddy Fadera Gisseh the Officer in charge of Gunjur Health Facility, said the gesture was a good initiative from a native of the village Buba Barrow, who lives in the diaspora; that the former Government used to do it but stopped. Mrs. Fadera who was overwhelmed with the magnanimity of the donor, said Gunjur Health Facility is the biggest in Kombo South; that she first came to Gunjur Health Facility in July 2017 and found out that patients were not given food until this intervention from Mr. Darboe; that newly delivered mothers should be given the right food after birth; but that this was a problem at the Health facility. She thanked the donor for making this history at the Health Facility.
Mr. Barrow a native of Gunjur residing in England and Chairperson of the UK based ‘Kombo Sillah’ Association (KSA), said ‘charity begins at home.’
According to Barrow, Gunjur has satellite villages as far as 5 km away; that those patients who come from all these villages, have problems in getting food from their families; that this why he is providing breakfast for them; that this is not the first time he is offering help to Gunjur Health Facility; that in 2013, he donated medicaments and the Kombo Sillah Association in UK, did the renovation of the maternal ward, fixed the water supply, painted the buildings of the Health Facility etc.
Barrow said his thoughts now is to sustain the gesture; that this is what he is thinking about. He called on “Gunjurians” in the diaspora to help sustain this noble gesture.
Haddy Camara, a native of Gunjur and a patient admitted at the Health Facility at the time, expressed joy at the gesture and prayed for the donor.
Fatou Colley, a cleaner at the Health facility also appreciated the gesture from the donor; and added that not all the patients admitted at the Health Facility are Gambians; that some are foreigners who do not know anyone in the country and needed such a helping hand.

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