Nurses, Midwives Urged To Regularise Licence Status


By Nelson Manneh

The Nurses and Midwives Council (NMC) whose aim is to work towards safe practice, regulation and professional doctrine, has called on its members to regularise their license Status.

Speaking to Journalist at his Banjul office, Mafugi Bojang, Registrar of Nurses and Midwives Council, stated that the license for all professional nurses and midwives, has expired since December last year; that a grace period of three months will be given to enable each and every one renew their licenses; that after this grace period, all those nurses and midwives who fail to regularise their licenses, will be considered defaulters; that anyone found wanting will have their names published in the official Gazette of the Government. Bojang urges all nurses and midwives as well as all employers of professionals to comply, in order to avoid embracement and possible litigation; that it is a requirement for nurses and midwives to regularise their license status, if they want work smoothly, without hindrance.