NRA, Partners Hold Another Cleansing Exercise on Bertil Harding Highway


By Arfang M.S. Camara, Communication Officer, NRA 

As part of efforts to maintain cleanliness on the roads, the National Roads Authority (NRA) in collaboration with the Joint Security Operations Center (Immigration, Prisons, Fire and Rescue Services, and Drug Law Enforcement Agency) and PCS Hydrotech Cleaning Company which is a private company, on Saturday, 16 November 2024, embarked on a cleansing exercise on the Bertil Harding Highway.

This is part of the NRA’s ongoing initiative to keep the newly constructed Bertil Harding Highway clean. PCS Hydrotech Cleansing Company offered to join the operation as their corporate social responsibility to maintain and keep our assets clean. 

The NRA expressed growing concern about the behaviour of certain people dumping waste along the highway. This is unsightly, and it clogs drains and waterways and as well poses as a health and safety concern along the corridor.

Speaking after the cleansing exercise, Mr. Ousman Sanyang, the Managing Director of NRA, appealed to the public to also contribute their quota in maintaining the cleanliness of our national roads. 

“This is a precious national asset for which we should all take pride in keeping clean,” Mr. Sanyang further said.

According to him, NRA aims to engage community participation in future cleansing exercises so that people will take ownership of these assets, which will intensify their efforts in keeping our national roads clean for the benefit of all users.