Nominations Are Over, What Next?



Nominations of 409 candidates for 120 councillor seats in eight councils ended on Friday 16 March 2018. Eight political parties and independent candidates are participating. This is perhaps the biggest council election and the IEC has a daunting task.

The process was peaceful. Official campaign will commence on Wednesday for a period of three weeks.

All candidates should bear in mind that they are vying to become trustees to be entrusted with resources collected through licences and rates for the development of their local government area; that the funds accumulated should be properly managed in the interest of the people.

It behoves the electorate to listen to all the candidates that present themselves before them in their ward and vote for the person that they are convinced will best serve the ward, irrespective of gender, religious, ethno-linguistic or other parochial consideration. This is the demand of New Gambia. To do otherwise is like drinking poison to please a friend or relative. Representation is not about friendship or gratitude but serving one’s community or country.