“No Exams Till Further Notice” – UTG Admin


By Yankuba Jallow

Following the boycott of exams yesterday at the University of The Gambia, the staff and the Administration of the UTG agreed to the method used by the students to boycott. The sit down strike came up when the students voted for it on 13th December, 2016.

University of the Gambia Students, have voted not to sit to exams until the current situation in the country is calm and stable. The majority of the students decided through a referendum that they don’t want to take exams. The reasons given by students were as follows: (1) They are not in a stable state of mind (2) some of the students are part of the security forces who are currently not taking exams because of their work (3) they also expressed disappointment for valid election results being nullified by the outgoing president. Student leaders indicated that as their representatives, they deem it necessary to represent the views of the people that they represent.
The results of the vote in support of the motion are as follows: Banjul 90 students voted against the motion while 94 voted for the motion, there were 15 invalid votes,
BPA 54 voted for the motion while 42 voted against, there were 15 invalid votes.
Faculty of Law and Journalism 479 voted for the motion while 242 voted against, there were 34 invalid votes.
Brikama 360 voted for the motion while 120 voted against the motion, there were 16 invalid votes.
Therefore the total number of votes for the motion was 1023, that of the ones against were 494 and a total of 80 invalid votes.
The students have spoken through this referendum and the decision will be forwarded to Senate as promised yesterday.

Speaking to Ansumana B. Bojang the University of The Gambia Students Union President on phone, he told this reporter that the administration has confirmed their acceptance of the students’ decision and the exams are at a ‘stand still’ till further notice. He added that the administration has also agreed to the claim of the students about the security reasons.