NC urged to rescind decision to disqualify Kinteh, Kebbeh


By Sulayman Bah The GFF-Normalisation Committee has been urged to revisit its move to eliminate aspiring candidates, Mustapha Kebbeh and Seedy Kinteh.Mustapha Kebbeh and Seedy Kinteh Kebbeh and Kinteh were blocked from contesting for the vacant GFF hot-seat after a vetting by the NC found the duo culpable. The NC’s verdict cited the pair’s alleged involvement in financial misappropriation amongst an array of other issues to back its decision. But the GFF candidates Omar Danso and Buba Bojang who said they received the news of the duo’s disqualification ‘with shock and dismay’ have reacted for the first time urging the NC to revisit its stance. Danso and Bojang told a press conference: ‘The GFF statute is very clear on the requirements for members in the GFF Executive Committee. The members of the Executive Committee shall: “Be no younger than 30 years old; already have been active in football in the last five years; not have been convicted of felony; and be a Gambian and resident in The Gambia” The candidates’ joint reaction came much as a surprise at a time when they are expected to intensify their campaign as election date –Sept 20th – draws closer. However, they didn’t hold back in questioning the NC’s move. “We must conclude by calling on the NC to revisit (to re-install Kebbeh and Kinteh) its decision and act in accordance with the constitution of the GFF in the soonest possible time, failure of which will give a very bad image to the entire electoral process which will not tell well. We pray that the NC listens to our concerns, and act wisely and justly.” Meanwhile, Seedy Kinteh has responded slamming the NC’s reasons for disqualifying him as ‘misleading, erroneous and bogus’. The NC wouldn’t be drawn into making a reaction.]]>