NAWEC’s Energy Production Increases to Over 469 Thousand MWh


By: Kebba AF Touray

The National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) has reported that its energy production has increased to 469,856.89 Megawatts (MWh) in 2021.

The company reported this in its 2021 activity report and financial statement, presented before the Public Enterprise Committee (PEC) of the National Assembly for scrutiny, consideration and adoption.

NAWEC reported: “The total energy produced during 2021 within the Greater Banjul Area (GBA) is 469,856.89 MWh as opposed to 431,547.84 MWh in 2020. This resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of power supply with very minimal outages for most parts of the year.”

The company also reported that it has entered into Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with SENELEC of Senegal to supply electricity to the Gambia through two interconnection points at KeurAyib/Farafenni and Karang/Amdalai, both in the North Bank Region.

As indicated by the company, this contract was expanded to include a new interconnection point at Bantantinti/Koina in the Upper River Region.

NAWEC reported further: “Overall Karpower produced 46.34 percent of the total energy produced in 2021, whereas NAWEC’s own facilities produced 49.98 percent in GBA and 3.68 percent in the provinces. The production from NAWEC facilities was in Kotu Power station 34 percent, Brikama 1 power station (BPS 1) 24 PERCENT, Brikama 2 power station (BPS 2) 11 percent and Brikama Power Station 3 (BPS 3) 31 Percent.”

The company added that the Kotu Power Station has a production of about 39 percent mainly because of the use of G5, a base load engine, which created for more than half the production from the power station.

According to NAWEC, there was a significant reduction in the production of energy from BPS 1 to 30 percent, “this is because most of the diesel generators (DG) set in BPS 1 were used for peak loads and were operating only three sets out of four. The DG set at BPS 2 had a marginal increase in production of 3.36 percent”.

“The total sales in 2021 amounts to D3,986,658,000.00 as opposed to D3,285,667,000.00 in 2020, while gross profit in 2021 was D511,454,000.00 compared to D861,937,000.00. Moreover, other operating expenses in 2021 amounts to D1,097,445,000.00 and D660,745,000.00 in the preceding year, while earnings before interest and tax in 2021 was D959,230,000.00 compared to D199,146,000.00,” said NAWEC.

The company went on to report that its equity and liabilities (capital and reserves) in 2021 amounts to D1,036,961,000.00 compared to D2,201,077,000.00, while the non-current liabilities in 2021 was D5,590,207,000.00 as opposed to D5,361,157,000 in 2020 and current liabilities in 2021 amounts to D3,417,779,000 compared to D2,390,318,000.00.

“However, losses associated with medium voltage (MV) forced/involuntary outages decreased by 10 percent from 15,473.3 MWH to 13,875.89 MWH. The low voltage faults also increased by 6 percent from 5,529 to 5,872,” said the Electricity and Water Company.