National Assembly Passes Bill to Facilitate Inter-Regional, International Trade


By Kebba AF Touray

The National Assembly of the Gambia Monday, 3 March 2025, passed a bill titled The Gambia Legal Metrology Bill 2025 after it was tabled before Members for consideration and scrutiny by the Minister of Trade, Baboucarr Joof.

The consideration stage of this bill was concluded on Friday, 20 December 2024, and March 3rd was accordingly scheduled for the third reading in accordance with Standing Order 75 of the National Assembly. The bill was tabled following the realization that due to advances and sophistication in science and technology in recent years, there exist the need to redraft the Legal Metrology Bill particularly on measuring devices, in line with government’s policy to streamline departments and agencies for better efficiency and sustainability.

The bill therefore aims to address the challenges posed by these instruments, and to also amalgamate the weights and measures bureau, which Department is under the Ministry of Trade, into the Gambia Standards Bureau as the new Department of Legal Metrology. The bill, among other things, seeks to instill fair play in the actualization and application of metrology equipment in the course of trade transactions.

Minister Joof, while tabling the bill for passage during the third reading stage, told members of the Assembly that it will facilitate the socio-economic development of the country, inter-regional and international trade and consumer protection.

The present Weight and Measures Act of 1977 and the Standards of the Weight and Measures Rules of 1979, are deficient in some of its sections, and not serving its purpose.

“When enacted, the Gambia Legal Metrology Bill 2024 will broaden the scope of Legal Metrology to regulate measurements in trade, health, law enforcement and the environment,” the Minister said.

In a similar development, the Member for Latrikunda Sabiji, Hon. Yahya Sanyang, also introduced a bill titled: ‘‘The Local Government (Amendment) Bill, 2025.’’ 

Hon. Yahya Menteng Sanyang of Latrikunda Sabiji

According to Hon. Sanyang, the bill seeks to give nominated Councilors voting rights as opposed to the 2002 Local Government Act, to ensure that the interests of all Gambians are represented at the local government level. This, he said, would also promote democracy and good governance because democratic institutions are based on the principle of popular participation.

Nominated Councilors, as indicated in the bill, are nominated by Mayors and Chairpersons in concurrence with the Minister, to represent groups that may not be adequately represented through the electoral process, such as women, youth and people with disabilities.

‘‘Giving nominated Councilors voting rights, would be a positive step towards promoting democracy, good governance and the interests of all Gambians,’’ Hon. Sanyang said.