National Assembly Invites Political Parties On Election Bill


Political Parties are invited to react to the Election Bill on Monday 3rd May 2021. The Political parties are the key stakeholders of the electoral system. Why is that the case?

Section 60 of the Constitution states:

“(1)   No association, other than a political party registered under or pursuant to an Act of the National Assembly, shall sponsor candidates in public elections.

(2)  No association shall be registered or remain registered as a political party if—

(a) it is formed or organised on an ethnic, sectional, religious or regional basis;

(b) its internal organisation does not conform with democratic principles;


(c) its purpose is to subvert this Constitution or the rule of law.”

Subsection (3) makes reference to the elections Act as follows:


I,…………………………………., having been elected to the post of ……………………………. according to the Constitution of the party, do voluntarily affirm that I do subscribe to and undertake to uphold at all times the principles and code of conduct of the party and will discharge my functions honestly and with utmost sincerity to ensure that I contribute my quota to the best of my ability in transforming The Gambia into a  land of liberty, dignity and prosperity for all, free from ignorance and poverty;  

I promise that I will never succumb to any undue influence and would not accept any gift or donation in cash or kind without the knowledge and authorisation of the Central Committee and on its behalf;

I solemnly declare that I will not subdue to patronage or intimidation and do undertake a resign from the party in good faith instead of declaring support for another party while holding on to membership;

I pledge my honour as surety to back this solemn declaration.


“An Act of the National Assembly shall make provisions for the better implementation of this section.”

FOROYAA will follow the debate and report accordingly.