My husband is still detained


By Mustapha Jallow

Kadijatou Gibba Nyassi, wife of a detained commercial van driver, yesterday told Foroyaa that her husband, Bunja Nyassi, is still held in detention.

‘‘I am calling on the new government to release my husband as he has been detained for more than 72 hour,’’ she said.

Mrs.Gibba Nyassi indicated that the Military police have allowed them to be visiting him or bringing food and clothes for him at the said Yundum Barracks. Foroyaa has also learned that Bunja’s commercial ‘gele-gele’ has been seized and is presently parked at the Barracks.

It was earlier reported that Mr Nyassi was booked again and this time around is held at the Yundum Barracks on Monday, 6 March, 2017 around 8pm.

Aja Nyassi, daughter of Bunja said her father’s arrest came at a time when he steps out to go and pray (Isha). While on his way, she said Bunja was then picked up by Military Police who took him away.

Asked if they know the reason behind his arrest or whether he has been taken to court, she replied in the negative saying that they do not know what led to his arrest.

The resident of Bakoteh was earlier arrested by two men in plain clothes on February 2, around 11am and was briefly held at the Bakoteh Police Station before being transported to the police headquarters in Banjul, where he was detained for 6 days without any court trial.

Lamin Nyassi, the son of Bunja stated that his father was finally freed on 7 February but was asked to be reporting at the police headquarters. He however said that the ‘gele gele’ vehicle that was seized by the police has been returned.