Murder Trial of Ousanou Bojang: ‘Chef de Garage of Dioulouloum’ Car Park Says First Defendant Confessed to Killing Two People


By Kemeseng Sanneh (Kexx)

A ‘Chef de Garage at Dioulouloum’ Car Park in Casamance Tuesday told a High Court in Banjul, The Gambian capital, Ousainou Bojang, who is charged with the murder of two policemen, confesses to him that he killed two people.

Alfusainey Dari, a prosecution witness in the case, recounted that the first defendant (Ousainou Bojang), visited their Car Park and requested a seven-seater vehicle to go to Ziguinchor. However, they did not have a seven-seater vehicle, so he contacted someone named Jana and enquired about the fare to Ziguinchor, and he said the fare is 2,500 CFA. He said Ousainou gave him 5,000 CFA for fare.

He further testified while Ousainou was sitting waiting for a vehicle, he noticed Ousainou crying, and he (Mr. Dari) enquired about the reason, to which Ousainou informed him that he has an issue with his white lady. Ousainou also expressed a desire to see a fortune teller. He said he then suggested to Ousainou to visit Mama Jabbi, a Gambian lady in the village, and even arranged for a motorcycle to take Ousainou to her residence.

He stated that upon reaching Mama Jabbi’s place, the host called him and told him that Ousainou was crying and talking about killing someone. He (Dari) went to check on Ousainou and asked him what happened and he confessed that two people died in his hands.

He (Dari) said he was advised to report the matter to the military. He added he was initially hesitant due to fear of mistreatment by the military, but said he eventually went to the head of the Gendermerie to report the matter. He testified he was advised to go back and have a conversation with Ousainou.

He testified that Ousainou was still crying when he got back to him and was talking about ‘killing’. He added that that was the time he went back to the Gendermerie and told him that Ousainou was only talking about killing. He testified that he was later accompanied by a Gendermerie, who ended up taking Ousainou to their base.

When questioned by the Director of Public Prosecutions to confirm his assertion that Ousainou told him two people had died at his hands, he affirmed that Ousainou told him two people died in his hands the previous day (that was on a Tuesday), but the day he told him about the incident was on a Wednesday. 

In response to queries regarding a call from Mama Jabbi’s residence, Mr Dari informed the court that it was Yaye Faal who was the landlady. He also stated he is ‘chef de garage’ at Dioulouloum (Cassamance. He further told the court that the incident happened in September 2023 but he cannot remember the exact date.

Under Cross-Examination by Counsel Lamin J. Darboe 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Who was the Gendermerie Chief you reported the matter to?

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Ababacarr Sarr. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: When Ousainou met you at the Car Park in Dioulouloum, was he crying? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: He started crying after he gave me the money. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Have you made a statement at the Gambia Police? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: They asked me and I told them…… 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Where did you give them the statement? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I am living at the border, I was asked there and I gave it to them there. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: They asked you in Gambian territory, what is the name of the Police Station?

Witness Alfusainey Dari: That place is Giboro. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: If you see that statement, can you recognize it? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Yes, if you read it to me, if those are the statements I said, I will accept and if they are not my statements, I will not accept them. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Is it correct that you gave your telephone number to the Gambia Police? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I did not give my number to anyone. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: If you see your telephone number, can you recognize it? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Yes I will. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe requested the statement of the witness that was recorded at Giboro Police Station. The Director of Public Prosecutions AM Yusuf provided the statement to Counsel LJ Darboe. Counsel Darboe asked the witness whether he signed the statement or thumb printed it. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I thumb-printed it and signed it 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Is this your telephone number? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Yes, this is my telephone number, but I did not give it to them. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Is this your signature on the statement? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Yes, it is my signature. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe applied to tender the statement given to the Police by Alfusainey Dari at the Giboro Police Station, Director of Public Prosecution A.M Yusuf did not object to it and the statement was marked and admitted as Exhibit D15 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Mr. Dari, you have not been truthful to the court if you say Ousainou Bojang cried in your presence. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I believe in the Quran, I am coming from Cassamance, what I said is what I heard and saw.

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: I am putting it to you that you are not speaking the truth to the court. You told the court that Ousainou said he had a problem with his white lady.

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Yes, that was what he told me at the garage. When he got to the marabout, he said two people died in his hands yesterday. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: You also said Ousainou looked worried that was the time you asked him what happened, 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I did not say that, I said what someone said. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: In all your encounters with Ousainou, especially where Mama was staying, did you record it? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: No 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Did you see Yaye Faal recording it? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: No. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Have you seen Mama recording it ?

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I don’t know and I am not aware. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Have you seen the Gendermerie Chief recording it? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I did not hear and I did not see it.

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Did the Gendermerie record your statement? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I did not go with them, they went alone. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: In fact, you said when Ousainou arrived at Mama Jabbi’s place, Mama was the one who called you and asked you to call the Gendermerie. Is that not the case? 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: No, it was Yaye Faal, who called me.

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: Mama asked you to call the Gendermerine 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I did not call the Gendermerie, I took a motorcycle and went there. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: It was Mama who advised you to go and call the Gendermarine 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: Mama cannot ask me to do that and I don’t do it. Because I don’t know her, I know the Land Lady. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: I am putting it to you that you know Mama Jabbi very well because you are the one who directed Ousainou Bojang to go to Mama because she is a marabout. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: I don’t know Mama today and I don’t know her tomorrow. I know the Land Lady. 

Counsel LJ Darboe read a portion of his statement to him where he indicated that he knew Mama, but the witness said what Counsel Darboe read is not what I told the Police maybe the Counsel is the one who wrote it and he is not the one who said it.

Counsel LJ Darboe read the witness statement to him where he said he boarded a motorcycle and the witness responded and said the motorcyclist took Ousainou to Yaye Faal’s compound where Mama is residing because he wanted to see a fortune teller. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: You said Mama didn’t tell you, but in your statement, you said Mama was the one who told you to notify the Gendermerine. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: It was the Land Lady who said I should get the military and I told her that I am going to Gendermerie. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: I am also putting it to you that Ousainou did not give you 5,000 CFA 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: That’s what Ousainou gave me 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: All that you said here, other than the fact Ousainou came to Diouloulou, is a fabrication. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: What I saw, what I heard that’s what I say.

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: I am putting it to you that Ousainou did not tell you anything other than a marabout that will fix his relationship with his white lady. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: What I saw, what I heard that’s what I said. 

Counsel Lamin J. Darboe: I am putting it to you that you are recruited by Mama Jabbi to come and fabricate here. 

Witness Alfusainey Dari: What I heard, what I saw, that is what I said. 

Re-Examination by Director of Public Prosecution A.M Yusuf 

DPP: Mr. Dari, it is correct that before the day you met Ousainou Bojang, you had never met Mama Jabbi anywhere. 

Alfusainey Dari: I heard Mama Jabbi is a marabout in Diouloulou, I do see her but I don’t know her. It is her Land Lady that I know. 

The case is adjourned to Tuesday 30th of July 2024.