MRCG Assures Continuity of ‘Essential Services’ Amid Recent Industrial Action


Following a recent sit-down strike by the Workers Union of the Medical Research Council Unit of The Gambia at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (MRCGLSHTM), the Management of the said Council issued a press release on 20 December 2024, assuring the Unit’s commitment in ensuring the continuity of essential services, despite the Union’s recent industrial action.

Below is the full statement: 

“On Thursday, December 12th 2024, the Management of the Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (MRCG), received notice of a sit-down strike notice from the MRCG Workers’ Union Executive effective Monday, December 16th 2024.’’

While MRCG respects the right of staff to raise grievances, this strike notice did not comply with the 28-day advance period required under the labour laws of The Gambia. The purpose of this provision is to ensure adequate preparation to minimize disruptions to the Unit’s critical services. As an essential service provider, MRCG plays a vital role in delivering health care to the population and advancing research that improves health outcomes across the sub-region.

Through collaborative discussions with the Ministry of Health, Management has received formal communication of the temporary suspension of the strike. Further discussions are ongoing to establish a sustainable resolution that balances staff welfare with the Unit’s ability to deliver its critical mandate within the available financial resources.

The strike has disrupted clinical services, impacting the population, study participants, and ongoing research. During the strike period, all patients previously admitted to MRCG wards have been safely transferred to partner health facilities to ensure uninterrupted access to health care. The situation is being further reviewed to ensure a safe resumption of clinical services.

Management has remained committed to resolving the differences with the Union through open dialogue and constructive engagement. These efforts include active participation in an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process. The ADR which was initiated following a court injunction aims to prevent disruptive strike action on MRCG premises to safeguard facilities, equipment, staff at work, and residents.

MRCG management reaffirms its commitment to upholding its ethical responsibility as an essential service provider while striving to address staff concerns in a fair and equitable manner.

We thank The Gambia Government through the Ministry of Health, the public, our partners, and all stakeholders for their understanding and support during this challenging time.”